Most of you know I turned 40 this month. Uff-da. Better yet, UFF-DA.
We had a small family dinner at home with my favorite birthday cake, yellow with chocolate frosting. I made it myself and my daughter Ruby helped me decorate it. I was a little annoyed that my husband, Charlie, was “working” on his phone a ton that week but quickly let him off the hook when he pulled off a surprise party that weekend. (Yes, I was totally surprised!) What better way to celebrate than Getting After It with those I love?
All 40 of us did a group workout at Alchemy in NE Minneapolis. It hurt so good! We ended the night a few blocks away at a new restaurant called Jefe Urban Hacienda. Delish! I’m so grateful to Charlie, our family, and friends for coming out to celebrate.

Fitness Goals
1.Run a half marathon under 1:20.
2.Throw the javelin!
3.Learn cross country skiing (in addition to downhill!)
4.Use my new harness and climbing shoes regularly.
5.Break 3 hours for the marathon.
6.Join the Grey Fox Basketball league!
7.Lift heavier weights.
8.Do a Triathlon.
9.Do a bike race with Charlie.
10.Do more YOGA!
Life Goals
1.Sing or act in a play.
2.Expand my cross country running camps.
3.Host destination adult running retreats.
4.Direct a road race.
5.Continue being a voice for our sport through speakers, commentary, and training/coaching.
Only 10 years to accomplish all that! I’m looking to all of you to hold me accountable. Time to Get After It!
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